Milonga Alegre’s Encuentro Milonguero La Cadena
is an international social tango event
at a unique location in Nijmegen.
It is a meeting place for lovers of dancing tango in close embrace
who want to respect the milonga codes on and off the dance floor.
This means:

dancing only in close embrace
request by eye contact (mirada and cabecéo),
changing of partners after each tanda,
respect for the lines of dance while dancing in the ronda,
entering the dance floor in a correct way,
social and friendly on and off the dance floor.

We are already looking forward to
Encuentro Milonguero ‘La Cadena’ on

April 25, 26, and 27, 2025!!

Because of privacy regulations, we will delete
all registration info of past Encuentros.
Besides that, the best way for us to know that people are still interested,
is their filling in a registration form.
We are looking forward to meeting you!!